Executive Functioning Coaching
If you have trouble handling frustration, starting and finishing tasks, staying on track, or balancing priorities, we can help.
The Thriving Wellness Center Executive Functioning Coaching program helps you achieve your goals by strengthening your executive functioning. Executive functions can be understood as the brain’s management system. When a person has weak executive functioning skills they may have trouble starting and finishing tasks, handling frustrations, organizing, staying on track, and prioritizing tasks (like home and work life balance).
How Executive Functioning Works.
In our in one on one sessions online, we help you identify, employ, and evaluate tools and strategies that address your specific needs. We customize our approach to each individual depending upon their attitude toward changing work habits. We use a research-based model to attain clients’ buy-in to improve their self-management skills and lead to lasting change.
We teach you how to organize, plan, prioritize, manage time, maintain focus, and self-assess. Self-management skills are increasingly important in a complex world with many distractions and competing priorities.
During sessions we utilize a completely individualized program and focus on developing:
Planning and organizing skills
Effective communication skills
Internal motivation
Time management skills
Greater sense of self-efficacy, confidence and self-esteem
Goal setting and prioritizing
Problem solving skills
Emotion regulation and stress management
Memory improvement
Our program is different.
We understand that ADHD and/or weak executive functioning isn't just about time management, organization, and planning. It affects all areas of your life including your emotional and mental well-being. That is why our integrated program focuses on helping you with your ADHD symptoms and your mental health.
Is the Executive Function Coaching & Therapy program appropriate for me if I do not have ADHD?
Yes. While most people with ADHD will experience many areas of executive function impairment, people can have executive dysfunction without ADHD. The symptoms overlap in significant ways.
Many of our clients are bright, creative and capable people who are not achieving their potential as a result of ineffective work habits. Some of our clients have emotional challenges such as anxiety which impact their ability to work effectively. Other clients we work with have no formal diagnoses yet benefit from learning more effective ways to manage their academic or workplace demands.