DBT Skills Group
What is a DBT Skills Group?
DBT is a type of therapy that focuses on finding balance and getting unstuck from extremes. The D in DBT stands for Dialectics; which means synthesizing or integrating opposite ideals, thoughts and behaviors. DBT therapy is very structured in nature. During the group sessions you learn and practice skills including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Our DBT Skills Therapy Group New York and New Jersey meets once a week and is led by a facilitator who has completed intensive training in DBT.
Who Would Benefit from DBT Therapy?
The DBT skills group is useful for those experiencing emotional distress such as anxiety, depression, or anger, as well as those having difficulty overcoming relationship conflicts, and isolation. The group can help you cope more effectively with intense emotions, relationship struggles, while helping you reduce self-destructive behaviors and learning adaptive ways to manage painful emotions.
Our DBT Skills Training Group is for high-functioning people who are maintaining full-time work or school schedules, who have difficulties with emotional regulation.
During the Online DBT Skills Therapy Group you will learn how to:
Cope more effectively with intense emotions, addictive behaviors, and/or relationship struggles
Reduce self-destructive behaviors while learning more adaptive ways to manage painful emotions.
Slow down and observe, describe, and label your emotional experience, thoughts, and other internal experiences
Learn how to communicate more effectively
Practice skills to help you deal with triggering events
Why is a DBT Skills Group Helpful?
You will learn and practice DBT skills. These skills help you to participate more in the present moment and become more effective in decision making and problem solving, precluding impulsive actions that might make situations worse, and exacerbating or prolonging emotional distress. During the group sessions you will learn and practice these skills. This will help you tolerate distressing life events and also improve your ability to effectively communicate and interact with others. Participants in in the DBT Skills Group have commented they have experienced improved ability to problem solve, cope with crises, and manage interpersonal conflicts.
We also offer one on one, once-weekly individualized DBT therapy New York and New Jersey and completely virtual.